Sunday, November 14, 2010

Lino Print!

Left is a picture of a linoleum cut I did in my History of Graphic Design class. The design was done on a whim, but it turned out really great! We took a flat rubber eraser and used it as our stamp. We carved into the eraser with a linoleum cutter. With this particular one I used a size #2. After the cutting was complete, we then used a roller to paint the ink on the stamp. You have to use just enough or else it won't turn out right.

Right is the finished product of my piece! I think it turned out really well! The type almost has an african feel in a way. I thought it looked especially neat because I incorporated the 'N' into the 'O' of my name. It was a fun exercise to accomplish and the great thing about it is, the stamp is reusable!!!

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