Sunday, October 3, 2010

All Naturale??

Front box
Side box
I was par-oozing around the house looking for ideas on what to blog about. I ran into a box of my mom's hair color. I started to read the box and was quite taken by the title of Clairol's product. "Natural Instincts "...this box has natural talents or skills? The girl on the front of the advertisement looks so happy with her hair really makes you want to buy the box and maybe my mom chose this box from all the other brands because of her smile =)! What ever it was that sold her, it did a good job of doing it!!

I think the layout is pretty decent though. The name is at the upper top and then after following the lovely, flowing hair towards the bottom of the box, the natural gifts of what this box of color can do for your hair is explained...

On the side of the box, it seems really busy and almost confusing in a way.
It gives the user two steps of identifying your current color. I was always confused at how you can determine what your current color is, when the box only gives you two options to go by...why is this? I also love the shade guide because in all actuality, once you dye your hair the boxes color, I don't think
Back box
there is ever a box where your after color shade will even compare...I don't
think it's ever the same really! The layout, even though it's busy & hardly ever
accurate, is still pretty interesting to look at.

The back of the box compares with the side of the box. It just goes on in MANY words to sell the product even if the busy front and side didn't do the trick. It expresses it's many vitamins and how gentle the formula is...why not try it out? I think it's advertising is right on target...but wonder if it could sell even better with the less is more factor!

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