Thursday, September 23, 2010


BIG WHISKEY AND THE GROO GRUX KING!!! Dave Matthews is by far my most favorite band in the world!! I was browsing through different cd covers that I had and this is the one is the one that stood out the most to me with their package and design-What a catch!!

The style of the design, throughout their whole CD is pretty fascinating! It was such an eye-catcher for me!! The detail in the drawing and the "Where's Waldo" format was something that really kept me entertained for a while, when I first opened the package. It's like there's always something new and interesting to find in their photos.

The graphics are amazingly drawn out, and the style is very unique! The quality of the images is apparent throughout the whole album casing. I am posting a few of the many pictures of their latest and greatest work of art!! I guess I just really appreciate it because it's so out there and different. I love how Dave and the members contributed to this in memory of LeRoy who was a member of their band-- He was their Saxaphone player, who passed away. I also love the fact that it is also based on a New Orleans theme. I feel like I can really relate to this album in many different ways as well because I've also lived in Louisiana!

I hope you can enjoy this as much as I have!


ClAsS MaDe PhOtOgRaMs

These are the photograms I did in our History of Graphic Design class. We have studied and learned about Graphic Design and the Industrial Revolution. Henry Fox Talbot was the first to make images without a camera by manipulating objects and the light striking photographic paper. It was used by 20th century Graphic Designers.

We did this sort of thing in class. Taking photographic paper, placing objects on it, and letting it sit in the sun for a few minutes. After the paper turned a white color, we took it inside and placed the sheets in cold water to let the image sit and darken. Of course while drying, it darkens even more over time.

Well, this is what I came up with. Although it's upside down =), it gives it a unique perspective. It was really fun learning something new about photography and how it developed over time. I think what really baffles me is how someone, such as Neipce, could have thought of such a process. He was a genius in his thinking and we are definitely reaping his discover today!

Saturday, September 18, 2010


What an amazing trip to Yeoman's Book Gallery! We had such a wonderful experience as a class, looking at so many rare and historical documents! It was so interesting learning about how there could be treasures in your own attic or neighborhood yard sale! There is just so much history surrounding us that we may not even realize it...

They have over 50,000 rare books, documents, maps, and many others dating throughout American History! Our class was also featured as a blog on their website:

Printing Press

It was so neat to see a group of us getting together to understand how much books and the appreciation for them are taken for granted everyday! What a rare opportunity to hear Mike Cotter (Owner) speak and tell a little bit about what he does to inquire so many rare documents...what a treat!

This is me to the above right! Benjamin Franklin's work and documents are also featured in this priceless gallery! It's quite phenomenal how much our ancestors went through and stood up for during their time here on Earth...really breath taking actually. I would recommend a visit for anyone with a desire to learn about history or who wants to pick up an old timepiece!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Can't Be Without A Gelaskin!

This is a Gelaskin that is on my Macbook Pro. Gelaskins is a company that sells big stickers of different artists work to protect your electronics from scratching and wear and tear! I absolutely loved this design!! One of my favorites on their website I absolutely love how they use other peoples work and talent to show off!! This isn't the ad that I am about to show you though, this is just one of their products. The ad is below. It's a Gelaskin coaster. This is a double sided coaster that promotes their product. I received this in the package when my order came in for my computer!
This first side is a winter theme. I believe it's design was made from eBoy. The graphics are very interesting and fun to look at as well!! There is wording that states in the upper left hand corner and on the bottom right is eBoy/Gelaskins 2010. It is a very creative use of advertisement with the designers website shown, but not centered or in the way. The name of the designer is in the design, however. It is shown as ice glaciers that spell out the name Eboy. The other side which is shown to the right is almost the same design, but it's a beach scene. Once again the graphics stand out...very interesting to look at as well. The sand castle being built in the center spells out Gelaskins. What a creative way to advertise for their products!!! 

The best part about their design, though is the fact that it separates from itself, with the center popping out from its border! How awesome is that!!! I haven't used it yet as a coaster and I'm not sure if I will use it ever! I think its such a great idea of almost serves as a business card!!! 

Sunday, September 5, 2010

My Homemade Birthday Card!

So we made paper in our History of Graphic Design class and our assignment was to post a blog about it!! I had transformed my amazing paper -or what actually turned out to be more of a card stock because of how thick it was- into a birthday card for my brother! I wanted it to be special because it was his 21st birthday. I wanted him to really take to heart, that even if he didn't like his birthday gift, I really spent "time" making him the perfect birthday card!
Inside Card
The process of making the paper was actually pretty simple. I've never done it before, but boy is it time consuming! We had to take pulp, which was made out of paper from a shredding machine and it was mixed with warm water. How simple does that sound?! We then took two different screens and basically sifted and strained the pulp out of this large container, bringing it to a cooking tray. Now this part is the most tedious-- we had to press the paper/pulp with a sponge to get out as much water as we could. It had to be flattened and dried. After peeling it off of the screen, we had to iron it, releasing even more steam and water from it. It took a few days to dry out, and being that mine was so thick, it took even longer! What an amazing process though. We were talking in class, while making the paper, how tedious and time consuming the work would be if we were living in A.D. 105 or in the era when paper was being formed and invented. It had to be perfect and made in a specific way. Now maybe it seemed easier when I did it because there really was no standard to how thick it was supposed to be. I think I would have failed with this, having to remake it, if I was living in that era!
So the birthday card ending up turning into a Star War's cartoon, which he loved!!! I even made sure he knew that I made the paper, by writing it on the back of the card!! It turned out to be a great keepsake!