Saturday, August 28, 2010

Sweet Vegetables!

Can you guess where this is from?!?!
Oh...when I saw this, I just had to take a picture! I am obsessed with getting my daughter McKenna to eat her vegetables, what a great idea to promote them! I've seen the Hidden Valley commercials before--how the ice cream man drives around town- all the kids running to him- to get their salad in cones, their carrots in cups, and their broccoli on popsicle sticks....Broccoli now comes in the form of a cupcake, which is even SWEETER! The artistic balance of this add is great! I love how much simple creativity is used to sell something that tastes, know what i mean--DULL! Don't get me wrong, I love broccoli...but other's (ALOT OTHERS) beg to differ! The style of the design, like I said is simple, but speaks an endless amount of words like "don't you just want to try one?"
I decided to take separate pictures of this ad, just so you can see how great of an ad it really is!! Above is the text that is at the bottom of the ad. It has the Hidden Valley bottle of ranch...and it states in all caps how it "MAKES VEGETABLES DELECTABLE".  I thought it was pretty appropriate to put the words at the bottom, declaring that the broccoli was delectable without having to take over the whole add. It is subtle and very true about the product that they are trying to sell, which isn't the broccoli, it's the RANCH!! Yes! But why not buy some Ranch to make those dull tasting stalks delectable and delightful!!

Smoking or Non?

This is an e-card I found on a website named This site contains 'Contemporary Graphic Design' architecture books, art books, random calendars, e-cards, etc... I don't even know where to start with this design, but it pretty much speaks for itself...It really puts chain smoking into my mind with the amount of cigarettes on the seems like its saying..."if you smoke, you mine as well just eat 'em". The picture has a gleam of disgustingness to it. It's a very simple design, which makes it straight to the point. Quality is there through it's simplicity really, I think the girl and spoon really pop because there is a dark back really puts focus on the spoon. It just reminds me how glad I am to have quit smoking when I did--years ago. The girl looks very feminine, simple...but just doesn't mix well with a spoon full of tobacco, used butts, and ash smudging off her lip--I think there could be a few mixed messages here. I mean, to the girl its as if she's willing to accept the "spoon full o' ciggs", because there's really no expression on her face. She seems very peaceful almost...  When you send this to someone is it supposed to be sent as a birthday card? "Hey, Happy Thirtieth better live it up now, cause you don't have much time left!" It made me laugh...

My First Time Doing This

So I was told to create a blog by my instructor of my History of Graphic Design class. This is the first time that I've ever even had to tackle something like this, but hey-it's worth a shot! Hard to concentrate though because while I'm sitting here in the kitchen creating this page--that will be soon filled with my thoughts on life in regards to design-- my five year old red headed daughter is stomping around being extremely loud..."Go ahead", I think to myself. "Maybe she'll be extra tired once bedtime rolls around!" So I guess I can start posting my pictures and showing you what I feel is unique and unappreciated by some. There is just so much beauty and it forms from the mustard stain on my daughter's shirt, to a beautiful flower in bloom!